[Math] Are most curves over Q pointless


Fresh out of the arXiv press is the remarkable result of Manjul Bhargava saying that most hyperelliptic curves over $\mathbf{Q}$ have no rational points. Don Zagier suggests the paraphrase : Most hyperelliptic curves are pointless.

Crucial to the precise mathematical formulation of the statement is a kind of canonical equation for hyperelliptic curves (of a fixed genus) permitting one to define the density of those which have no rational points.

What is the corresponding statement for all curves over $\mathbf{Q}$ ?

Addendum (2013/09/28) A very nice introduction to the work of Bhargava can be found in How many rational points does a random curve have? by Wei Ho.

Best Answer

My paper with Bjorn Poonen (which is referenced and discussed in Bjorn's answer to this MO question: Are most cubic plane curves over the rationals elliptic?) has a precise statement for plane curves. You can follow Mike's suggestion in his comment to make a statement for all curves, but this has a problem. Namely, the moduli space of curves of genus $g$ is of general type for $g>22$ (or something like that) so, if you believe Lang's conjecture (or some weakening of it) then there no (or very few) "general" curves of genus $g$ defined over $\mathbb{Q}$, so one expects that most curves of genus $g$ defined over $\mathbb{Q}$ are restricted to rational subvarieties of the moduli space and the biggest one is the hyperelliptic locus, so maybe in some weird sense "most" curves over $\mathbb{Q}$ are hyperelliptic.