Maximal Compact Subgroups – Are They Connected in Connected Groups?

Assume $G$ is a connected locally compact group and $M$ is a maximal compact subgroup of $G$. Is $M$ connected too?

Best Answer

Disclaimer: Locally compact groups are absolutely not my field of expertise. I hope an expert can check my statements below, and perhaps add some details and references.

The Malcev–Iwasawa theorem implies that any connected, locally compact group $G$ satisfies:

  • $G$ has a maximal compact subgroup;

  • there exists $n\in\mathbb{N}$ such that for any maximal compact subgroup $K$ of $G$, the underlying space of $G$ is homeomorphic to $K\times\mathbb{R}^n$.

In particular, every maximal compact subgroup of a connected, locally compact group is itself connected.

References: The following references state the necessary results without proof.

  • Theorem 32.5 of Markus Stroppel's book "Locally compact groups".

  • The article "Compact subgroups of Lie groups and locally compact groups" (DOI:, published in the Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, volume 120, number 2, in February 1994 (pages 623-634). See the statements of theorems A, B, and C in the introduction to this article. According to the discussion there, the theorems hold for connected, locally compact groups: they follow from the analogous results for Lie groups as soon as one knows that a connected, locally compact group is a projective limit of Lie groups.