Group Schemes – Are Group Schemes in Char 0 Reduced?


A Theorem of Cartier (e.g. Mumford, Lecture 25) states that every separated, finite type group scheme $G/k$ over a field $k$ of characteristic $0$ is reduced. Does this result remain valid if we drop the assumption that $G/k$ is separated and of finite type?

Frans Oort (MR0206005) observed that one can use limit formalism to argue that every affine group scheme over $k$ is reduced.

Edit: BCnrd pointed out that group schemes over a field are automatically separated. Furthermore, the proof of Cartier's Theorem in Mumford's book remains valid for a locally Noetherian $k$-group scheme.

Best Answer

The answer is yes - every group scheme over a field of characterstic zero is reduced: see Schémas en groupes quasi-compacts sur un corps et groupes henséliens (especially Thm. 2.4 in part II and Thm. 1.1 and Cor. 3.9 in part V of the 1st part), and for a summary of the relevant results see 4.2 (in particular 4.2.8) of Approximation des schémas en groupes, quasi compacts sur un corps.

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