Are Almost Commuting Hermitian Matrices Close to Commuting Matrices in 2-Norm? – fa.functional-analysis,,matrices,oa.operator-algebras,von-neumann-algebras

I consider on $M_n(\mathbb C)$ the normalized $2$-norm, i.e. the norm given by $\|A\|_2 = \sqrt{\mathrm{Tr}(A^* A)/n}$.

My question is whether a $k$-uple of hermitian matrices that are almost commuting (with respect to the $2$-norm) is close to a $k$-uple of commuting matrices (again with respect to the $2$-norm). More precisely, for an integer $k$, is the following statement true?

For every $\varepsilon>0$, there exists $\delta>0$ such that for any $n$ and any matrices $A_1,\dots, A_k\in M_n(\mathbb C)$ satisfying $0\leq A_i\leq 1$ and $\|A_iA_j – A_j A_i\|_2 \leq \delta$, there are commuting matrices $\tilde A_1,\dots,\tilde A_k$ satisfying $0\leq \tilde A_i\leq 1$ and such that $\|A_i – \tilde A_i\|_2 \leq \varepsilon$.

The important point is that $\delta$ does not depend on $n$.

I could not find a reference to this problem in the litterature. However, this question with the $2$-norm replaced by the operator norm is well-studied. And the answer is known to be true if $k=2$ (a result due to Lin) and false for $k=3$, and hence $k\geq 3$ (a result of Voiculescu).

Best Answer

There is a recent paper by Glebsky titled "Almost commuting matrices with respect to normalized Hilbert-Schmidt norm" which shows that this is indeed true for any $k$ for Hermitian matrices (and in fact also unitary and normal matrices).