Applications of Schemes to Mathematical Physics – Algebraic Geometry


Could anyone cite some applications or developments in mathematical physics or string theory that use schemes?

I find curious the fact that while things like derived algebraic geometry and stacks have certain applications to mathematical physics I cannot find such applications for the case of (underived) schemes.

Just to clarify: I know that for example you can have Calabi-Yau threefolds that are projective algebraic varieties and that in some sense algebraic varieties ⊂ schemes ⊂ stacks. However I am looking for specific (underived) scheme constructions like Fano schemes, Hilbert schemes, scheme-theoretic interesections etc

Best Answer

In string theory, gauge symmetries on D-branes can be studied using classical scheme theory.

This was introduced around the late 1990s and early 2000s, cf. this 1998 paper, this 2000 note, these 2003 notes, and this 2007 paper to start.