[Math] applications of Plancherel formulae


I've learned a few things about harmonic analysis on semisimple Lie groups recently and the amount of effort that goes into the proof of the Plancherel formula seems overwhelming. Of course it has led to great discoveries in representation theory, but I was wondering whether there are some direct applications of the Plancherel formula. And now when I'm thinking about it, I don't even recall any applications of the classical Plancherel formula.

Best Answer

The most basic and useful application of the classical Plancherel formula is to define the Fourier transform on $L^2$ by density. It is then customary to illustrate Plancherel formula by computing a few basic integrals. For example, from the easy fact that $$ \widehat{{\bf 1}_{[-1, 1]}}(\xi) = \int_{-1}^1 e^{-i\xi x} \, dx = 2 \, {\sin \xi \over \xi}, $$ we compute the not totally obvious yet classical integral $$ \int_{\bf R} \Bigl({\sin \xi\over \xi}\Bigr)^2 d\xi = {\pi \over 2} \int_{\bf R} ({\bf 1}_{[-1, 1]}(x))^2\,dx = \pi. $$ From the easy $$ \widehat{e^{iax}{\bf 1}_{[0,\infty[}(x)}= {-i \over \xi -a} $$ and the standard formula for the derivative, we get the not so easy Wallis integral $$ \int_{\bf R} {dx\over (1+x^2)^n} = \biggl\Vert {1\over (x-i)^{n}}\biggr\Vert_2^2 = {2\pi\over (n-1)!^2} \ \Bigl\Vert \xi^{n-1}\,e^{\xi}\,{\bf 1}_{{\bf R}_-}(\xi)\Bigr\Vert_2^2 % = {4\pi^2\over (n-1)!^2} \int_0^\infty \xi^{2n-2} e^{-\xi} d\xi = {(2n-2)!\over 2^{2n-2}(n-1)!^2} \, \pi $$ and so on.

For the Lie group case, see the thesis of R. Gomez