[Math] Applications of logic to group theory


There seems to be an ever-growing literature on the first-order theory of groups. While I find this interaction between group theory and logic quite appealing, I was wondering the following:

Are there examples of applications of first-order logic to problems that are group-theoretic in nature (and do not involve the first-order theory of groups)?

To give an example of what I mean by that, an example from another field is (a proof of) the Ax-Grothendieck theorem, where ideas from model theory can be used to show a statement about the bijectivity of some polynomials.
After a quick search on the internet, I couldn't find any such an application.

Best Answer

One group theory topic in which logicians have been active is the automorphism tower problem.

The automorphism tower of a group $G$ is obtained by computing the automorphism group $\newcommand\Aut{\text{Aut}}\Aut(G)$, and then the automorphism group of that group $\Aut(\Aut(G))$ and so on. Each group maps into the next by inner automorphisms, and so one may continue the iteration transfinitely with the direct limit. The main question had been whether this process ever stops, and if so, how long it takes.

Simon Thomas, using an application of Fodor's lemma in set theory, showed that every centerless group $G$ has an automorphism tower that terminates before $(2^{|G|})^+$ steps. He had been writing a book on the topic, which was excellent, although I'm not sure if this is yet fully realized.

Greg Kuperberg wrote a nice summary answer to this classic MathOverflow question, Does $\Aut(\Aut(\cdots\Aut(G))))$ stabilize?.

My 1998 paper Every group has a terminating automorphism tower shows that every group has a terminating tower, and one can find other papers and talks (with slides) about the automorphism tower problem on my blog: jdh.hamkins.org/tag/automorphism-towers.

Perhaps one of the most interesting connection with logic is my joint result with Simon Thomas in our 2000 paper Changing the heights of automorphism towers, where we show that the very same group can have automorphism towers of vastly different heights, depending on the set-theoretic background universe in which the tower is computed.