[Math] Applications of Liouville’s theorem


I'm looking for "nice" applications of Liouville's theorem (every bounded entire map is constant) outside the area of complex analysis.

An example of what I'm not looking for : a non-constant entire function has dense image (this is essentially a corollary).

An example of the kind of thing I'm looking for : a complex matrix whose conjugacy class is bounded must be a homothety (if $A$ is such a matrix and $B$ is an other matrix, then $z \mapsto e^{-z B} A e^{z B}$ is entire and bounded hence constant, but its derivative at $0$ is $[A,B]$ : thus $[A,B]=0$).
In a similar vein : a subalgebra of $M_n (\mathbb{C})$ on which the spectral radius is submultiplicative is simultaneously triangularizable.

Best Answer

A very nice application of Liouville's theorem in functional analysis is the following, which is of great theoretical and practical importance.

Theorem (Spectrum). If $X\ne\lbrace0\rbrace$ is a complex Banch space and $T\colon X\to X$ a bounded linear operator, then its spectrum $\sigma(T)\ne\emptyset$.

First of all, let $X$ a complex Banach space, $B(X,X)$ the space of bounded linear operators from $X$ to $X$ and $\Lambda\subset\mathbb C$ a domain of the complex plane. Consider a function $$ S\colon\Lambda\to B(X,X), \qquad\lambda\mapsto S_\lambda. $$

Definition. The map $S$ is said to be holomorphic on $\Lambda$ if for every $x\in X$ and $f\in X^*$ the function $h$ defined by $$ h(\lambda)=f(S_\lambda(x)) $$ is holomorphic at every $\lambda_0\in\Lambda$.

The following proposition is an easy exercise.

Proposition (Holomorphy of $R_\lambda$). The resolvent $R_\lambda(T)$ of a bounded linear operator $T\in B(X,X)$ is holomorphic at every point of the resolvent set $\rho(T)$ of $T$.

The proof of the Spectrum theorem is then quite elementary and goes as follows.

Proof. By assumption, $X\ne\lbrace0\rbrace$. If $T=0$, then $\sigma(T)=\lbrace0\rbrace\ne\emptyset$. So, let $T\ne 0$ and $$ R_\lambda=(T-\lambda I)^{-1}=-\frac 1\lambda\sum_{j=0}^\infty(\frac 1\lambda T)^j. $$ This series is convergent for all $|\lambda|>||T||$, and thus it converges absolutely for instance for $|\lambda|>2||T||$. For these $\lambda$, by the formula for the sum of a geometric series, we have $$ ||R_\lambda||\le\frac 1{||T||}. $$ If $\sigma(T)=\emptyset$, then by definition the resolvent $\rho(T)$ is the whole complex plane. Hence, $R_\lambda$ is holomorphic for all $\lambda$. Consequently, for a fixed $x\in X$ and $f\in X^*$, the function $h$ defined by $$ h(\lambda)=f(R_\lambda(x)) $$ is holomorphic on $\mathbb C$, that is, it is an entire function. Now, $h$ is in particular continuous and thus bounded on the compact disk $|\lambda|\le 2||T||$. But $h$ is also bounded for $\lambda\ge 2||T||$ since $||R_\lambda||\le1/||T||$ and $$ |h(\lambda)|=|f(R_\lambda(x))|\le||f||\cdot||R_\lambda(x)||\le||f||\cdot||R_\lambda||\cdot||x||\le\frac{||f||\cdot||x||}{||T||}. $$ Hence, $h$ is constant by Liouville's theorem. But this implies that $R_\lambda$ is independent of $\lambda$ and that so is $R_\lambda^{-1}=T-\lambda I$, which is a contradiction.$\qquad\square$

Observe that in the finite dimensional case, that is $X=\mathbb C^n$, the Spectrum Theorem says that the characteristic polynomial $\det(A-\lambda I)$ of a complex $(n\times n)$-matrix $A$ has a solution, which is just the fundamental theorem of algebra, which in turn follows again by Liouville's theorem...