[Math] Applications of knot theory


An answer of André Henriques' inspired the following closely related CW question. Parts of the following is extracted from his answer and my comments.

I regularly teach a knot theory class. Every time, students ask about applications. What should I say?

I have two off-the-cuff replies when students ask. The first is that knot theory is a treasure chest of examples for several different branches of topology, geometric group theory, and certain flavours of algebra. The second is a list of engineering and scientific applications: untangling DNA, mixing liquids, and the structure of the Sun's corona. I'm interested hearing about other applications. I am also interested in hearing your take on the pedagogical issues involved. Thank you!

Best Answer

If I may steal some thunder from Peter Shor, his paper, Quantum money from knots (with Edward Farhi, David Gosset, Avinatan Hassidim, and Andrew Lutomirski) relies for the security of its "quantum money scheme" on

the assumption that given two different looking but equivalent knots, it is difficult to explicitly find a transformation that takes one to the other.

The Alexander polynomial plays a prominent role in the paper.