[Math] An explicit computation in class field theory


Let $K$ be the imaginary quadratic field obtained by joining $\sqrt{-1}$ to the field of rational numbers $Q$. I would like to describe the extension $K^{ab}/Q^{ab}$, where for $F$ a number field, $F^{ab}$ denotes its maximal abelian extension (everything is taking place inside a big fixed field…).

More precisely I would like to know the Galois group and the ramification properties of such extension. Is this possible/easy? I suppose one should look at the kernel of the norm map between Idele class groups $N_{K/Q}:I_K\rightarrow I_Q$. But at the moment it is not clear to me how to get the answer. Any hint or comment would be appreciated. Thanks.

EDIT: Probably the idele class group of a number field $F$ should be denoted by $J_F$. Or by anything other than $I_F$…

Best Answer

Given that you want to know the structure of the Galois group and ramification, I think that you are best off working with the kernel of the norm map between connected components of idele class groups, as you yourself suggest.

These groups are very explicit: for $K := \mathbb Q(i)$, one obtains $\hat{\mathcal O}_K^{\times}/\{\pm 1,\pm i\}$, and for $\mathbb Q$ one obtains $\hat{\mathbb Z}.$ (Here $\hat{}$ denotes the profinite completion.) Apart from the diagonally embedded $\{\pm 1,\pm i\}$ quotient in the group for $K$, both groups factor as a product over primes, and the norm map is given component wise.

So the kernel of the norm map is equal to $$\bigl(\prod_p (\mathcal O_K\otimes_{\mathbb Z}\mathbb Z_p)^{\times, \text{Norm } = 1}\bigr)/ \{\pm 1,\pm i\}.$$

This should be explicit enough to answer any particular question you have.

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