[Math] An example of a complex manifold without a finite open cover


Are there non-compact complex manifolds that
a) Don't embed in C^n (holomorphically)
b) Cannot be covered by a finite number of coordinate open sets?
If b) can be satisfied, then I think so can a) be by taking a product with a compact complex manifold. If one takes a Riemann surface of infinite genus, one does not have a "good" finite open cover, but I allow non-contractible open covers as well. Apologies in advance for this elementary question.

Best Answer

Fornaess and Stout proved that EVERY complex manifold (connected and second countable) can be covered by finitely many open subsets biholomorphic to a polydisc (Lemma II.1 in MR0470251). They even have an explicit bound on the size of the cover in terms of the dimension of the manifold. Further results of a similar flavour are contained in their papers MR0435441 and MR0662439.

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