Why Algebraic Geometers Should Care About Singular/Simplicial (Co)homology


I am a PhD student in algebraic / arithmetic geometry and I never took a formal course in algebraic topology, even though I have some basic knowledge.

In algebraic geometry we deal exclusively with sheaf cohomology since we care about non-constant sheaves. But I feel, maybe in my naivety, that a lot of the important results (for usual topological spaces) are only true for singular and simplicial cohomology when they coincide with sheaf cohomology (Alexander duality and "$H^i=0$ for $i>$ the covering dimension" come to mind).

With that in mind, I wonder if it is worth for someone with a similar background to study the details of a first course in algebraic topology. (Perhaps on the level of Hatcher's book.) Do I lose something by just thinking in terms of sheaf cohomology?

Best Answer

Sheaf cohomology is a powerful tool, but it isn't a replacement for all of basic algebraic topology. For example, fundamental groups and homology some topics that would get lost. And these topics are certainly relevant to algebraic geometry. Also, as pointed out in the comments, you would lose valuable intuition if you just stuck to the sheaf cohomology viewpoint.

Let me expand my original answer a bit. Let me focus on the simplest example, where $X$ is a smooth complex projective curve of genus $g$. One learns in topology that $X$ is obtained by identifying the sides of a $2g$-gon in the standard way. One can use this to extract 2 things about $X$.

  1. One gets the homology $H_1(X,\mathbb{Z})=\mathbb{Z}^{2g}$, with its intersection pairing equal to the standard symplectic form. For an algebraic geometer, this corresponds to the lattice of the Jacobian of $X$ together with its Riemann form. In particular, this is a principal polarization.

  2. Also one gets the familiar presentation of the fundamental group $$\pi_1(X)= \langle a_1\ldots a_{2g}\mid [a_1,a_2]\ldots[a_{2g-1}, a_{2g}]\rangle$$ But why should an algebraic geometer care about this? Answer: because it tells us what etale covers of $X$ look like. The etale fundamental group of $X$ is the profinite completion of the above group. This is also true for the prime to $p$ part if $X$ lives in positive characteristic by lifting. Note that Grothendieck uses this reduction to the topological case in SGA1.