[Math] An advanced exposition of Galois theory


My knowledge of Galois theory is woefully inadequate. Thus, I'd be interested in an exposition that assumes little knowledge of Galois theory, but is advanced in other respects. For instance, it would be nice if it were to include remarks like the following:

A finite field extension $K / k$ is separable iff the geometric fiber of Spec k -> Spec K is a finite union of reduced points.

[I was never able to remember what "separable" meant until I saw this equivalence while studying unramified morphisms. The proof is by the Chinese Remainder Theorem. Also note: this definition is incomplete, in the sense that it does not specify when a non-finite extension is separable.]

Is there any such exposition?

Best Answer

Szamuely's Galois Groups and Fundamental Groups might be what you're looking for. In particular, the beginning of Chapter 2 (where the discussion switches from field theory to fundamental groups) alludes to a statement like the one you give:

In the last section we saw that when studying extensions of some field it is plausible to conceive the base field as a point and a finite separable extension (or, more generally, a finite etale algebra) as a finite discrete set of points mapping to this base point. Galois theory then equips the situation with a continuous action of the absolute Galois group which leaves the base point fixed. It is natural to try to extend this situation by taking as a base not just a point but a more general topological space. The role of field extensions would then be played by certain con- tinuous surjections, called covers, whose fibres are finite (or, even more generally, arbitrary discrete) spaces. We shall see in this chapter that under some restrictions on the base space one can develop a topological analogue of the Galois theory of fields, the part of the absolute Galois group being taken by the fundamental group of the base space.

Edit: I notice that this book was discussed in another MO question here: Galois Groups vs. Fundamental Groups .