Alternatives to the Law of the Excluded Middle in Logic


As a sentential logic, intuitionistic logic plus the law of the excluded middle gives classical logic.

Is there a logical law that is consistent with intuitionistic logic but inconsistent with classical logic?

Best Answer

No, every consistent propositional logic that extends intuitionistic logic is a sublogic of classical logic. (That’s why consistent superintuitionistic logics are also called intermediate logics.)

To see this, assume that a logic $L\supseteq\mathbf{IPC}$ proves a formula $\phi(p_1,\dots,p_n)$ that is not provable in $\mathbf{CPC}$. Then there exists an assignment $a_1,\dots,a_n\in\{0,1\}$ such that $\phi(a_1,\dots,a_n)=0$. Being a logic, $L$ is closed under substitution; thus, it proves the substitution instance $\phi'$ of $\phi$ where we substitute each variable $p_i$ with $\top$ or $\bot$ according to $a_i$. But already intuitionistic logic can evaluate variable-free formulas, in the sense that it proves each to be equivalent to $\top$ or to $\bot$ in accordance with its classical value. Thus, $\mathbf{IPC}$ proves $\neg\phi'$, which makes $L$ inconsistent.

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