[Math] Alice and Bob playing on a circle

co.combinatoricscombinatorial-game-theorygame theory

I want to solve this problem:

Let there be $n \ge 2$ points around a circle. Alice and Bob play a game on the circle. They take moves in turn with Alice beginning. At each move:

  • Alice takes one point that has not been colored before and colors it red.

  • Bob takes one point that has not been colored before and colors it blue.

When all $n$ points have been colored:

  • Alice finds the maximum number of consecutive red points on the circle and call this $R$.

  • Bob finds the maximum number of consecutive blue points on the circle and call this $B$.

If $R \gt B$, Alice wins. If $B \gt R$, Bob wins. If $R = B$, no one wins. Does Alice have a winning strategy for odd $n$?

We still seem not to know for which odd $n$ Alice has a winning strategy. She does for $n=3$, and it seems also for $n=5$. But in general, I'm not sure. Could someone help?

Best Answer

For even $n$, I claim that nobody has a winning strategy, and therefore both players have drawing strategies.

To see this, observe first that by the fundamental theorem of finite games, we know that either one of the players has a winning strategy, or both players have drawing strategies.

Next, I claim that Bob has a drawing strategy, which is simply to use the copying idea of user Mohemnist in the comments. He should simply pair up opposite vertices and make the coloring anti-symmetric. In this way, any string of red vertices is matched by a symmetric string of blue vertices, and therefore Bob can ensure that he will not lose.

But now, it follows that Bob cannot have a winning strategy, since Alice can pretend to be Bob by a strategy-stealing argument. Basically, this amounts to the observation that it cannot be advantageous to go second. That is, Alice can simply start by coloring any vertex red, and thereafter pretend to be the second player, following the winning strategy for Bob, but with swapped colors. If that strategy should ever direct her to color the already-colored vertex, then she can simply take another free move.

So we've shown that Bob has a drawing strategy and cannot have a winning strategy. It follows that Alice cannot have a winning strategy, and so we must be in the case of the fundamental theorem where both players have drawing strategies.

The strategy-stealing argument works regardless of whether $n$ is even or odd, showing that Bob can never have a winning strategy. But of course, we already knew this in the odd case, since Mohemnist showed in that case that Alice has a drawing strategy.

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