[Math] Algorithmic complexity of formal proof verification

computational complexitylo.logicproof-assistantsproof-theory

In this question, suppose $S$ is some popular real-world automated proof system that is stronger than or equivalent to Peano Arithmetic. I would be happy with a positive answer to the following for any such $S$, so please feel free to cherry-pick $S$ to make that easier:

Can the validity of an $S$-proof be verified in time polynomial in the
string-length of the proof?

I've been able to find some work assessing progress in formal proof verification, such as


but not much on the algorithmic complexity of verifying the outputs of various approaches, so I figure I must be looking in the wrong places / using the wrong search terms. Please, help point me in the right direction!

Best Answer

No, for languages based on Martin-Löf Type Theory

In proof systems based on Martin-Löf Type Theory, including Coq and Agda, proof-checking can involve evaluating arbitrarily complicated (proven-terminating) programs.

As a simple example, we can define a function is_positive : ℕ → Prop that evaluates to True if its argument is positive, and evaluates to False otherwise. The size of a proof of is_positive is constant (it's just a proof of True when is_positive is given an argument that evaluates to a numeral). However, it's relatively easy to define an exponentiation function that makes checking a proof of is_positive$2^n$ take time exponential in $n$. Here is the Coq code:

(** Define a version of [+] which is recursive on the right argument. *)
Fixpoint plusr (n m : nat) {struct m} : nat :=
  match m with
    | 0 => n
    | S m' => S (plusr n m')
(** Define a version of [*] which is recursive on the right argument. *)
Fixpoint multr (n m : nat) {struct m} : nat :=
  match m with
    | 0 => 0
    | S m' => plusr n (multr n m')
Fixpoint pow (base exponent : nat) {struct exponent} : nat :=
  match exponent with
    | 0 => 1
    | S e' => multr base (pow base e')
(** Test [pow] *)
Compute pow 1 2. (* 1 *)
Compute pow 2 3. (* 8 *)
(** Return [True] if a number is [S _], [False] if it is [0] *)
Definition is_positive (n : nat) : Prop :=
  match n with
    | 0 => False
    | S _  => True
Time Check I : is_positive (pow 2 9). (* 0.09375 *)
Time Check I : is_positive (pow 2 10). (* 0.40625 *)
Time Check I : is_positive (pow 2 11). (* 1.875 *)

Since numbers are stored in unary, by default, in Coq, the proof term I : is_positive (pow 2 n) has $\mathcal O(n)$ nodes.

You could, hypothetically, output evidence of well-typedness. In the degenerate case, where your well-typedness evidence is just a trace of the execution of the typechecker, you get linear time checking in the length of trace (assuming your trace-encoding isn't eliding expensive details).

I'm uncertain about languages like HOL, which are not based on dependent type theory. It's plausible that there are some systems where proof-checking is extremely simple, and can't involve any computation. I would look at Metamath as a likely candidate, even though it's closer to machine-checked proof than automated theorem proving (and I don't know of anyone using it for things outside of pure math).

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