[Math] Algorithm generalizing continued fractions for non-quadratic algebraic numbers


The continued fraction algorithm generates an integer sequence which terminates for a rational number, is periodic for the roots of irreducible integer quadratics, and is non-periodic for other algebraic numbers. This sequence uniquely determines the number in a useful way, e.g. one can compute convergents and solve Diophantine equations.

Does there exist a corresponding algorithm for, say, roots of irreducible cubics which has similar properties? What about other algebraic numbers? What is known about this? Or to save people time, what phrase should I google to find out the answer?

Best Answer

One generalization is to the theory of sails. If $A$ is an $n\times n$ integer matrix whose eigenvalues are all real, positive, irrational and distinct, a collection of $n$ suitable eigenvectors spans a polyhedral cone which is invariant under $A$. The convex hull of the set of integer lattice points in this cone is a polyhedron, and the vertices of this polyhedron are the ``best'' integral approximations to the eigenvectors. Also see Arnold, e.g.

MR1704965 (2000h:11012) Arnold, V. I.(RS-AOS) Higher-dimensional continued fractions. (English, Russian summary) J. Moser at 70 (Russian). Regul. Chaotic Dyn. 3 (1998), no. 3, 10--17.

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