[Math] Algorithm for detecting prime powers

algorithmsfactorizationnt.number-theoryprime numbers

While reading Peter Shor's paper Polynomial-Time Algorithms for Prime Factorization and Discrete Logarithms on a Quantum Computer, I came across the following quote:

"This scheme will thus work as long as $n$ is odd and not a prime power; finding factors of prime powers can be done efficiently with classical methods."

I have two questions:

(1) How does one efficiently determine if a given number $N$ is a prime power, and

(2) How does one efficiently determine the factorization of a prime power?

(Note: I have included these as separate questions since I am aware that many of the standard algorithms for determining a number is composite will not necessarily produce a proper factor.)

Best Answer

If N is a prime power it is of the form $p^i$ where $i \leq \log_2(N)$. One can thus compute each of the first $\log_2(N)$ roots of $N$, and test if the resulting number is (first an integer) and then if it is a prime using the AKS algorithm (although perhaps Shor meant to use a randomized test, such as Miller–Rabin, as the paper pre-dates AKS). Obviously if $N$ is a prime power this will produce the factorization.

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