[Math] Algebraically closed fields with proper maximal subfields


Is there a classification of the algebraically closed fields that have maximal proper subfields ?

And if an algebraically closed field has a maximal proper subfield, is that subfield unique ?

Summarizing the answers, an algebraically closed field has a maximal subfield if and only if its characteristic is zero and such a maximal subfield is never unique.

Best Answer

If $F$ is a maximal proper subfield of a field $K$, then $K=F(x)$ for any $x\in K\setminus F$. Next, $x$ must be algebraic over $F$ (otherwise $F\subsetneq F(x^2)\subsetneq F(x)\subset K$). So $K$ is finite over $F$, and if $K$ is algebraically closed it is well known (cf. KConrad's comment) that $F$ is a real closed field and $K=F(\sqrt{-1})$.

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