[Math] Algebraic Attacks on the Odd Perfect Number Problem


The odd perfect number problem likely needs no introduction. Recent progress (where by recent I mean roughly the last two centuries) seems to have focused on providing restrictions on an odd perfect number which are increasingly difficult for it to satisfy (for example, congruence conditions, or bounding by below the number of distinct prime divisors it must have). By reducing the search space in this manner, and probably due to other algorithmic improvements (factoring, parallelizing, etc.), there has also been significant process improving lower bounds for the size of such a number. A link off of oddperfect.org claims to have completed the search up to $10^{1250}$.

But, assuming my admittedly cursory reading of the landscape is correct, none of the current research seems particularly equipped to prove non-existence. The only compelling argument I've seen on this front is "Pomerance's heuristic" (also described on oddperfect.org). Worse, and maybe this is really the point of this question, it would be a little disappointing if the non-existence proof was an upper bound of $10^{1250}$ (depending on the techniques used to get the bound) combined with the above brute force search.

On the other hand, maybe there's some hope that some insight can be gained into the sum-of-divisors function by modern techniques. For example, the values of the arithmetic functions
\sigma_{k}(n):=\sum_{d\mid n}d^k,
for $k\geq 3$ odd, arise as coefficients of normalied Eisenstein modular forms, and the study of said forms gives amazing proofs of amazing identities between them. For $k=1$, the case of interest, the normalized Eisenstein series $E_2$ is only "quasi-modular", but such forms satisfy sufficiently nice transformation properties that I wonder if $E_2$ has anything to say about the problem.

Since no doubt many people on this site will be able to immediately address the previous idea (so please do!), my more general question is whether or not there are applications of the modern machinery of modular forms, mock modular forms, diophantine analysis, Galois representations, abc conjecture, etc., that have anything to say about the odd perfect number problem. Does it descend from or relate to any major open problems from modern algebraic/analytic number theory?

Aside: I hope this does not come off as dismissive of "elementary" techniques, or of the algorithmic ones mentioned in the first paragraph. Indeed, they have, to my knowledge, been the only source of progress on this problem, and certainly contain interesting mathematics. Rather, this phrasing stems from my desire to find anything in the intersection of "odd perfect number theory" and "things I know anything about," and perhaps a desire to see the odd perfect number problem settled without the use of a beyond-gigantic brute force search.

Best Answer

This is a problem I have thought alot about. I have not seen any of the modern techniques in your list applied to the problem. Part of the issue is that if you represent $\sigma(n)=2n$ as a Diophantine equations in $k$ variables (corresponding to the prime factors--but allowing the powers to vary) then there are lots of solutions (just not where all the variables are simultaneously prime). So the usual methods of trying to show non-existence of solutions just don't cut it. Historically, this multiplicative approach is the one many people have taken, because at least some progress can be made on the problem. My personal feeling is that maybe someday these bounding computations will be tweaked to the point that they lead to the discovery of some principle that will solve the problem. For example, in one of my recent papers, I was led to consider the gcd of $a^m-1$ and $b^n-1$ (where $a$ and $b$ are distinct primes). I would conjecture that this gcd has small prime factors unless $m$ or $n$ is huge. If that happens, many of the computations related to bounding OPNs become much easier.

I have occasionally thought about whether modular forms might say something about this topic (which is why I'm currently sitting in on my colleague's course). Instead of $\sigma(n)$, the `right' function to consider is $\sigma_{-1}(n)=\sigma(n)/n$ and I don't know off the top of my head if it appears in connection with (weakly holomorphic) modular forms. But I know there are some nice techniques about multiplicative functions that decrease over the primes, etc...

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