[Math] Algebra for algebraic topology


My research is in analysis, but it moved to the area that requires algebraic topology. I have some working knowledge in that area, but I always feel that I am on a shaky ground and I need to go back and study algebraic topology again. However, that would also require refreshing my knowledge in algebra. My question is:

What is a good reference from which I could learn algebra necessary
for studying algebraic topology at the level of Hatcher's Algebraic Topology plus Eilenberg-Steenrod's axioms (not included in Hatcher's book) plus spectral sequences (in unpublished notes of Hatcher).

I would love to find an elementary reference that would cover all necessary algebraic tools (including homological algebra) on no more than 100$\pm\varepsilon$ pages.

Best Answer

If you need a concise but very clear book which covers a lot of Algebraic Topology and just the necessary algebra (spectral sequences as well) I think that Differential Forms in Algebraic Topology- Bott & Tu is the book you are looking for.

Edit: It seems that Bredon-Topology and Geometry is closer to that you are looking for.