[Math] Advice for researchers outside academia


Perhaps some personal background is relevant to this question. A couple of years ago, I graduated with a master's degree in Applied Mathematics from a good Dutch university. Even though I obtained somewhat decent grades for the courses and the thesis (a 7/10 on average, maybe a B in the American system), I sensed that I probably wasn't good enough to pursue a PhD in a relevant mathematical research direction.

Therefore, I opted for a career in a different area. However, I keep coming back to mathematics over and over again. I am still drawn to some mathematical problems, and I work on them in my spare time. One day, I'd like to be a (co)author of (at least) one publication.

I've now come at a point that I think I have some interesting ideas for a certain problem. In order to flesh them out, I think it would be a good idea to collaborate with someone who has more expertise than me in the relevant domain. I've found a postdoc at my former institution, whom I suspect has the appropriate background to work on this problem with me.

I'm not quite sure, though, how to approach this person. I've never met him/her, and it seems somewhat odd or inappropriate to send him/her an e-mail out of the blue. I've thought of proposing to give a short presentation of my ideas to this person, after which s/he can decide whether the approach seems worthwhile enough to delve into more deeply.

This — finding and approaching trustworthy fellow mathematicians who have the time and willingness to collaborate — is one particular problem I've encountered while working as a researcher outside academia. As an “independent researcher”, if you will, I encounter all sorts of other problems, including:

  • Getting access to some journals, books and research papers;
  • Obtaining licenses for expensive proprietary software;

I wonder whether you have any advice to independent researchers on these matters, and whether you can perhaps give some general guidelines or nuggets of wisdom to those working outside academia.

Best Answer

Contact out of the blue; the postdoc will be proud to have been noticed. But remember that postdocs are in the tightest bottleneck of their lives, having to produce research of high quality quickly in order to get the next job right now. If the postdoc does not see how to get a paper out of your idea immediately, the postdoc should reject the opportunity for collaboration without wasting your time or hers. Do not be offended; starting a research collaboration with a new collaborator can take a lot of time, just to learn how to work together, even if both are very experienced in their fields. Many very top notch researchers have been rejected when they have asked to collaborate with even far less reknowned researchers who were too busy.

You will need to have a collaborator within the academic world, to make certain that your results are not already known, and to get access to academic journals. Obtaining that collaborator is the only problem you have to face before you can really join the international mathematical conversation.

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