[Math] Advanced view of the napkin ring problem


The "napkin-ring problem" sometimes shows up in 2nd-year calculus courses, but it can fit quite neatly into a high-school geometry course via Cavalieri's principle.

However, the conclusion remains astonishing. Is there some advanced viewpoint from which it becomes obvious from some sort of symmetry that's not visible in the naive formulation?

Best Answer

I think it's a bit more elegant to use a different version of Cavalieri's principle: instead of taking cross-sections, sweep the napkin ring by half-disks, bounded by semicircles on the outer sphere whose diameter is the same as the napkin ring's height. The shape of the half-disk is independent of the outer radius. The instantaneous volume swept by the half-disk, per unit angle, just looks (in the limit as the angle goes to zero) as a wedge of a sphere, so it's also independent from the outer radius.

Edited to add: I think this is the argument in the following reference from the Wikipedia article: Levi, Mark (2009), "6.3 How Much Gold Is in a Wedding Ring?", The Mathematical Mechanic: Using Physical Reasoning to Solve Problems, Princeton University Press, pp. 102–104, ISBN 978-0-691-14020-9.

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