Nonassociative Geometry – An Overview


At the end of a conference given by Alain Connes in 2000 (here is a video in French), a member of the audience asked a question. I transcribed and translated it for you below:

Audience: You showed that noncommutative geometry greatly simplifies the physics in a very elegant way, by actually losing a property that seems a bit simple. Similary, if we work with algebras, complex numbers, quaternions and octonions…, are there people investigating some nonassociative geometries?
Alain Connes: Ok, I can explain you about this right now…

The video cuts off at that time, even before Alain finishes his explanation, so I post this question here :

What is about nonassociative geometry

Sir Michael Atiyah (here at 58'): Connes' theory is very beautiful, but it only deals with associative algebras, so it can't deals with the octonions, so that's why I think this theory is not quite finished.

Best Answer

There is progress in this direction by mathematicians here: Jordan operator algebra

(see also this Physics post : Non-associative operators in Physics)

Warning: the Jordan operator algebras exchange the associativity by the commutativity, in fact their product $\circ$, given by $a_1 \circ a_2 = \frac{1}{2}(a_1*a_2+a_2*a_1)$, is commutative nonassociative, whereas $*$ is noncommutative associative. So it's an advanced but it's not really satisfying.
A satisfying advanced would be with nonassociative and noncommutative algebras.