[Math] a sum with binomial coefficients


Let integers $n,k$ satisfy $0 \le k \le n$. We desire proof that
{n\choose k} =
\sum {n\choose a}(-1)^a\;{-k\choose b}(-1)^b\;{-(n-k)\choose c}(-1)^c
where the (finite) sum is over all ordered triples $(a,b,c)$ of nonnegative integers satisfying
a\cdot n + b\cdot k + c\cdot(n-k) = k(n-k)
\text{(or equivalently}\quad
\frac{a+b}{n-k} + \frac{a+c}{k} = 1 \quad).
Of course the binomial coefficient for a binomial to a negative power is
{-k\choose b} = \frac{(-k)(-k-1)(-k-2)\cdots(-k-b+1)}{b!} .

Now two of the terms in ($*$)
are $(a,b,c)=(0,n-k,0)$ and $(a,b,c)=(0,0,k)$. Those two terms do, indeed, add to ${n\choose k}$. But then the problem becomes: show that the rest of the terms sum to zero.

This arose from my attempt to solve
integral of a "sin-omial" coefficients=binomial .
It is the calculation of the residue at $w=0$ of rational function
obtained by changing variables in the integral of that problem.

Best Answer

Ira told me this interesting constant term identity.

It is not hard to see that the problem is equivalent to showing the following constant term identity: $$ \binom{n}{k} = \frac{(1-x^n)^n}{(1-x^k)^k (1-x^{n-k})^{n-k} x^{k(n-k)}} \Big|_{x^0},$$ where $0\le k \le n$. To obtain the given binomial sum identity, simply apply the binomial theorem and equate coefficients.

The proof replies on the following two key facts.

  1. If we write $\displaystyle F(x)=\frac{(1-x^n)^n}{(1-x^k)^k (1-x^{n-k})^{n-k} x^{k(n-k)}}$ then $F(x^{-1})=F(x)$.

So the constant term can be regarded as an identity in $\mathbb{Q}((x))$ and also an identity in $\mathbb{Q}((x^{-1}))$.

  1. $F(x)$ is invariant if we replace $k$ by $n-k$.

We will use partial fraction decomposition to obtain different formula of $F(x) \big|_{x^0}$ and deduce that the constant term is equal to $\binom{n}{k}$.

Firstly notice that it is hard to work directly using partial fraction decomposition of $F(x)$. We consider the partial faction of $F(x,t)$ with $F(x)=F(x,1)$ instead. $$ F(x,t)=\frac{(1-t^2 x^n)^n}{(1-tx^k)^k (1-tx^{n-k})^{n-k} x^{k(n-k)}}$$ Now we have a unique partial fraction decomposition with respect to $x$ $$ F(x,t) =C+ P_+(x)+P_-(x^{-1}) + \frac{N_1(x)}{(1-tx^k)^k} + \frac{N_2(x)}{(1-tx^{n-k})^{n-k}},$$ where $P_{\pm}(x)$ are polynomials with $P_{\pm}(0)=0$, $\deg N_1(x)<k^2$, $\deg N_2(x)<(n-k)^2$, and every term may contain the slack variable $t$ which will be set equal to $1$, then by working in $\mathbb{Q}((x))$ and $\mathbb{Q}((x^{-1}))$, we get \begin{align*} F(x) \big|_{x^0} &=C\big|_{t=1}, \\ F(x) \big|_{x^0} &=(C+ N_1(0)+N_2(0)) \big|_{t=1}. \end{align*} Consequently $(N_1(0)+N_2(0))\big|_{t=1}=0$.

Next we split $1-t^2x^n$ as $(1-tx^k)+tx^{k}(1-tx^{n-k})$ and apply the binomial theorem. \begin{align*} F(x,t)&=\frac{(1-t^2x^n)^n}{(1-tx^k)^k (1-tx^{n-k})^{n-k} x^{k(n-k)}} \\ &= \frac{\sum_{i=0}^n \binom{n}{i}(1-tx^k)^i (tx^k(1-tx^{n-k}))^{n-i} }{(1-tx^k)^k (1-tx^{n-k})^{n-k} x^{k(n-k)}} \\ &= \binom{n}{k}t^k + \sum_{i=0}^{k-1} \binom{n}{i} \frac{t^{n-i} x^{k(k-i)} (1-tx^{n-k})^{k-i}}{(1-tx^k)^{k-i} } + \sum_{i=k+1}^{n} \binom{n}{i} \frac{t^{n-i} x^{-k(i-k)} (1-tx^k)^{i-k}}{(1-tx^{n-k})^{i-k} } \end{align*} If we work in $\mathbb{Q}((x))$, we get $F(x,1)\big|_{x^0} = \binom{n}{k} + N_2(0)\big|_{t=1},$ since the constant term of the middle term is clearly $0$.

A similar argument shows that $F(x)\big|_{x^0} = \binom{n}{k} + N_1(0)\big|_{t=1}.$ This should also follows from the observation that $F(x,t)$ is invariant under replacing $k$ by $n-k$. Thus we obtain $$ 2 F(x,1)\big|_{x^0} = 2 \binom{n}{k} + N_1(0)\big|_{t=1}+N_2(0)\big|_{t=1}= 2 \binom{n}{k}.$$ This concludes that $F(x)\big|_{x^0}=\binom{n}{k}.$

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