[Math] a satisfactory way to format definitions in Latex


There are several ways one may format a definition in latex, but each has their problems.

  1. Use the amsthm package, and the usual style for theorems. This will result in everything italicized. It is difficult to catch the term you are defining, even if you non-italicize it.

  2. Use the amsthm package, and the style for definitions. This time the term you are defining is the only word/phrase italicized, but the problem is that one does not know where the definition ends. Unlike the proof environment, there is no QED marker, so it is unclear where the definition ends and when the next paragraph starts.

  3. End a definition with a QED-type marker (like a flower or whatever). The problem with this is that there is an over-abundance of markers. Flowers and square boxers.

How do you format your definitions in latex?

Best Answer

Since Colin's comment indicates that this is not about $\LaTeX$ and some answers have given good specific advice I want to throw in a more abstract answer:

make sure you write markup

  • worry more about structuring your content
  • and realize a typesetting for your own purposes (say according to established typesetting/layout rules for screen reading, website design, epaper or good old printouts, whichever you prefer to read your own stuff with)
  • BUT do it in such a way that anyone with access to the source (e.g. journal, website) can easily modify the layout (e.g. in $\LaTeX$ make sure redefining your environment is easy, maybe even via options for your own sty file, for a website use good css)

This is not as hard as it sounds -- you just have to overcome the urge to control your layout and focus on your content.