[Math] A roadmap to Hairer’s theory for taming infinities



Martin Hairer gave recently some beautiful lectures in Israel on "taming infinities," namely on finding a mathematical theory that supports the highly successful computations from quantum field theory in physics.

(Here are slides of a similar talk at Heidelberg. and a video of a related talk at UC Santa Cruz.)

I think that a relevant paper where Hairer's theory is developed is : A theory of regularity structures along with later papers with several coauthors.

Taming infinities

Quantum field theory computations represent one of the few most important scientific successes of the 20th century (or all times, if you wish) and allow extremely good experimental predictions. They have the feature that computations are based on computing the first terms in a divergent series, and a rigorous mathematical framework for them is still lacking. This issue is sometimes referred to as the problem of infinities.

Here is one relevant slide from Hairer's lecture about the problem.

enter image description here

And here is a slide about Hairer's theory.

enter image description here

The Question

My question is for further introduction/explanation of Hairer's theory.

1) What are these tailor-made space-time functions?

2) What is the role of noise?

3) Can the amazing fact be described/explained in little more details?

4) In what ways, does the theory provides a rigorous mathematical framework for renaormalization and to physics' computations in quantum field theory.

5) How is Hairer's theory compared/related to other mathematical approaches for this issue. (Renormalization group, computations in quantum field theory, etc.)

Best Answer

Let me try to expand a little bit on Ofer's answer, in particular on points 1-3.

These functions (or rather distributions in general) are essentially the multilinear functionals of the driving noise that appear when one looks at the corresponding Picard iteration. For example, if we consider the equation (formally) given by $$\partial_t \Phi = \Delta \Phi - \Phi^3 + \xi,\tag{$*$}$$ write $P$ for the heat kernel, and write $X$ for one of the space-time coordinate functions, then we would try to locally expand the solution as a linear combination of the functions / distributions $1$, $X$, $P \star \xi$, $P\star (P\star \xi)^2$, $P\star (P\star \xi)^3$, $P\star (X\cdot (P\star \xi)^2)$, etc. The squares / cubes appearing here are of course ill-defined as soon as $d \ge 2$, so that one has to give them a suitable meaning.

Each of these distributions naturally comes with a degree according to the rule that $\deg \xi = -{d + 2\over 2}$, $\deg (P\star \tau) = \deg \tau + 2$, and the degree is additive for products. One then remarks that, given any space-time point $z_0$ and any of these distributions, we can subtract a (generically unique) $z_0$-dependent linear combination of distributions of lower degree, so that the resulting distribution behaves near $z_0$ in a way that reflects its degree, just like what we do with the usual Taylor polynomials. To be consistent with existing notation, let's denote by $\Pi_{z_0}$ this recentering procedure, so for example $(\Pi_{z_0} X)(z) = z-z_0$. In our example, $\Pi_{z_0} \tau$ will be self-similar of degree $\deg \tau$ when zooming in around $z_0$.

We can now say that a distribution $\eta$ has "regularity $\gamma$" if, for every point $z_0$, we can find coefficients $\eta_\tau(z_0)$ such that the approximation $$ \eta \approx \sum_{\deg \tau < \gamma} \eta_\tau(z_0)\,\Pi_{z_0}\tau $$ holds "up to order $\gamma$ near $z_0$". The "amazing fact" referred to in the slide is that even in situations where $\xi$ is very irregular, the solution to $(*)$ has arbitrarily high regularity in this sense, so that it can be considered as "smooth". There are now several review articles around detailing this construction, for example https://arxiv.org/pdf/1508.05261v1.pdf.

Regarding the role of the noise, I already alluded to the fact that the squares / cubes / etc appearing in these expressions may be ill-posed, so that if you start with an arbitrary space-time distribution $\xi$ of (parabolic) regularity $-{d+2\over 2}$, there is simply no canonical way to define $(P\star \xi)^2$ as soon as $d \ge 2$. There is a general theorem saying that there is always a consistent way of defining these objects, yielding a solution theory for which all I said above is true, but this is not very satisfactory since it relies on many arbitrary choices. (In the case $d=2$ it relies on the choice of two arbitrary distributions with certain regularity properties, and quite a bit more in dimension $3$.) If however $\xi$ is a stationary generalised random field then, under rather mild assumptions, there is a way of defining these objects which is "almost canonical" in the sense that the freedom in the construction boils down to finitely many constants, as recently shown in https://arxiv.org/abs/1612.08138.

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