[Math] A problem on Gauss–Bonnet formula


While teaching a course in differential geometry, I came up with the following problem, which I think is cool.

Assume $\gamma$ is a closed geodesic on a sphere $\Sigma$ with positive Gauss curvature.
Can it look like one of the following curves in a parametrization of $\Sigma\backslash\{\text{point}\}$ by the plane?

enter image description here

I expect that there is a theorem that answers all questions like this. Is it indeed so?

$$ $$

P.S. The first curve cannot appear since by Gauss–Bonnet formula, the sum of angles in the triangle is $>\pi$. It makes the integral of Gauss curvature inside the loops $>4{\cdot}\pi$ which is impossible.

The second curve cannot appear as well, a proof is sketched in my answer. (Please let me know if you see a way to simplify the proof.)

For the third one it is easy to produce an example — say an ellipsoid has such geodesic.

Best Answer

Here, I try to give a exemple for each of the number one and three curves with a convex polyhedron where I just draw the net. The geodesic are the dots lines (which are staight on the net). I think that one can also construct the second one as well by changing the angles of the triangle in the first exemple.

I don't know any theorem that gives a general answer for your question. My only gess is that if you don't have a trivial estimate that says that on a subset $B$, $\int_B K \geq 4\pi $, then we should be able to construct a exemple. enter image description here enter image description here

EDIT : I just give some details of what anton says in his comment : in each small loop the integral of curvature is $\pi+\alpha_i$ with $\alpha_i$ the angle of the crossing. Because the curvature is positive the sum of the angles of the triangle is larger than $\pi$ and then the total curvature is larger than $3\pi+ \sum \alpha_i > 4\pi$. (However with a polyhedron we can still obtain an equality)

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