[Math] A problem in algebraic number theory, norm of ideals


Let $K\subseteq L$ be number fields over the field of rationals $\Bbb Q$.
with rings of integers $\mathcal{O}_K\subseteq \mathcal{O}_L$.
Let $P$ be a prime ideal of $\mathcal{O}_L$, let $p$ be a prime ideal of $\mathcal{O}_K$, such that $P$ is over $p$.

The residue class degree $f$ is defined to be $f=[\mathcal{O}_L/P:\mathcal{O}_K/p]$.
The norm of $P$ is the ideal $N(P)=p^f$.
This is the usual definition of norm of an ideal. (See Serre's Local fields and Serge Lang's Algebraic tumber theory.)

Swinnerton-Dyer's A brief guide to algebraic number theory has a different definition of norm of an ideal (page 25).
Namely if $A$ is an ideal of $\mathcal{O}_L$, it is defined as $N(A)$ = ideal in $\mathcal{O}_K$ generated by elements $N(a)$ where $a\in A$.

I don't know why these two definitions are the same. Swinnerton-Dyer claims
so in his book. Can anyone here give a hint, an explanation or anything

Best Answer

[Edit: this answer is incomplete/incorrect, see rather this one]

Ok, here's the argument: First recall that the usual norm for non-zero elements of a field is transitive in towers; thus the same is true for your second definition of the norm of an ideal. In particular, $N_{K|Q}\circ N_{L|K} = N_{L|Q}$. The fact that the norm $N_{L|Q}(\mathfrak{P}) = [\mathcal{O}_L:\mathfrak{P}] \cdot \mathbb{Z}$ is easy to see for a prime $\mathfrak{P}$ in $\mathcal{O}_L$; edit: and thus the same is true for any integral ideal $\mathfrak{a}$. Now let $\mathfrak{p} = \mathcal{O}_K \cap \mathfrak{P}$ and $(p) = \mathbb{Z} \cap \mathfrak{P}$.

We have $N_{L|Q}(\mathfrak{P}) = p^{f(\mathfrak{P}|p)} = N_{K|Q}N_{L|K}\mathfrak{P}$. In particular, we deduce that $N_{L|K}\mathfrak{P} = \mathfrak{p}^d$ for some $d$. Moreover, we know that

$N_{K|Q}\mathfrak{p}^d = p^{d \cdot f(\mathfrak{p}|p)} = p^{f(\mathfrak{P}|p)}.$

But then $d = f(\mathfrak{P}|p) / f(\mathfrak{p}|p) = f(\mathfrak{P}|\mathfrak{p})$ as required.

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