Classical Analysis – Hard Integral Identity on MathSE


The following identity on MathSE

$$\int_0^{1}\arctan\left(\frac{\mathrm{arctanh}\ x-\arctan{x}}{\pi+\mathrm{arctanh}\ x-\arctan{x}}\right)\frac{dx}{x}=\frac{\pi}{8}\log\frac{\pi^2}{8}$$

seems to be very difficult to prove.

Question: I worked on this identity for several days without any success. Is there any clue how to prove this integral identity?

Best Answer

I have proved this equality by means of Cauchy’s Theorem applied to an adequate function. Since my solution is too long to post it here, I posted it in arXiv:

  • Juan Arias de Reyna, Computation of a Definite Integral, arXiv:1402.3830.

The function $$G(z)=\frac{\log(1+(1+i)\,f(z)\,)}z$$ where $$f(x)=\frac{\operatorname{arctanh}(x)-\arctan(x)}{\pi}$$ extended analytically.

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