[Math] a good poster for a math conference


I'm going to participate to a conference and they ask me to do a poster on my research. I've never made a poster for a conference/seen a poster session in a conference. So what is important? What do you want to see in a poster (references, basic definitions and ideas)? What are the things that must not appear in a poster (completed proofs?)? What is a poster session?

PS : My subject of research is about PDE (theoretical point of view : existence of a solution, regularity, unicity) and I'm going to a conference about Numerical Analysis (mostly) and PDE.

Best Answer

According to my opinion, a poster should:

a) give rough ideas and hints rather than details.

b) be the starting point of a mathematical conversation. Make the people interested in your topic. In the best case there is an obvious good question that people will want to ask after scanning the poster.

c) make clear the take home message. What do you want people to remember about your work?

d) contain as little distraction as possible.

If not all conference participants know you already, then I think it is nice to include a photo of yourself. It makes you easier to recognize as the author of that particular poster.