Geometric Interpretation of the Levi-Civita Connection – Differential and Riemannian Geometry


Let $M$ be a Riemannian manifold. There exists a unique torsion-free connection in the (co)tangent bundle of $M$ such that the metric of $M$ is covariantly constant. This connection is called the Levi-Civita connection and its existence and uniqueness are usually proven by a direct calculation in coordinates. See e.g. Milnor, Morse theory, chapter 2, \S 8. This is short and easy but not very illuminating.

According to C. Ehresmann, a connection in a fiber bundle $p:E\to B$ (where $E$ and $B$ are smooth manifolds and $p$ is a smooth fibration) is just a complementary subbundle of the vertical bundle $\ker dp$ in $T^*E$. If $G$ is the structure group of the bundle and $P\to B$ is the corresponding $G$-principal bundle, then to give a connection whose holonomy takes values in $G$ is the same as to give a $G$-equivariant connection on $P$.

If $p:E\to B$ is a rank $r$ vector bundle with a metric, then one can assume that the structure group is $O(r)$; the corresponding principal bundle $P\to B$ will in fact be the bundle of all orthogonal $r$-frames in $E$. One can then construct an $O(r)$-equivariant connection by taking any metric on $P$, averaging so as to get an $O(r)$-equivariant metric and then taking the orthogonal complement of the vertical bundle.

Notice that in general one can have several $O(r)$-equivariant connections: take $P$ to be the total space constant $U(1)$-bundle on the circle; $P$ is a 2-torus and every rational foliation of $P$ that is non-constant in the "circle" direction gives a $U(1)$-equivariant connection. (All these connections are gauge equivalent but different.)

So I would like to ask: given a Riemannian manifold $M$, is there a way to interpret the Levi-Civita connection as a subbundle of the frame bundle of the tangent bundle of $M$ so that its existence and uniqueness become clear without any calculations in coordinates?

Best Answer

To understand the existence and uniqueness of the LC connection, it is not possible to sidestep some algebra, namely the fact (with a 1-line proof) that a tensor $a_{ijk}$ symmetric in $i,j$ and skew in $j,k$ is necessarily zero. The geometrical interpretation is this: once one has the $O(n)$ subbundle $P$ of the frame bundle $F$ defined by the metric, there exists (at each point) a unique subspace transverse to the fibre that is tangent both to $P$ and to a coordinate-induced section $\{\partial/\partial x_1,\ldots,\partial/\partial x_n\}$ of $F$.