[Math] A generalization of miracle flatness theorem


I wonder if the miracle flatness theorem Generalizing miracle flatness (Matsumura 23.1) via finite Tor-dimension
still works if the rings involved are not local (and the dimension condition is deleted)?

In other words, is it true that $f: A \to B$, $A$ regular, $B$ Cohen-Macaulay,
implies that $f$ is flat? I guess the answer is no (maybe taking $A=k[x,y]$, $B=A/I$, with a right choice of an ideal $I$ of $A$ will serve as a counterexample? or maybe no).

But what if we further assume that: $f$ is injective, $A$ is Noetherian and $B$ is a finitely generated $A$-module? Is $f$ flat in this case?

I ask this question since I have seen here this claim as a fact
https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/296971/what-has-projectiveness-to-do-with-cohen-macaulay-rings/297320#297320, with reference to EGA IV 6.1.5, though it seems (I do not know French) that Grothendieck talks about the local case.

Best Answer

The answer to your first question is obviously no, as you point out: the homomorphism $A\rightarrow A/I$ is essentially never flat. It is OK under your hypotheses ($f$ injective, $A$ noetherian, $B$ finitely generated) if you assume moreover that $B$ is a domain. A reference (in french, sorry) is Bourbaki, Algèbre Commutative X, §4, no. 3, Corollaire.

The hypothesis that $B$ is a domain is necessary for stupid reasons: just take $B=A\times A/I$ with $A/I$ Cohen-Macaulay, again this is not flat over $A$.

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