3D Models – Unfoldings of the Hypercube


There are (apparently) 261 distinct unfoldings of the 4D hypercube, a.k.a., the
tesseract, into 3D.1
These unfoldings (or "nets") are analogous to the 11 unfoldings of
the 3D cube into the plane.2
Usually only one hypercube unfolding is illustrated,


(Image from this link.)

the one made famous in
Salvador Dali's painting
Corpus Hypercubus.
My question is:

Q. Has anyone made models/images of the 261 unfoldings as solid objects in $\mathbb{R}^3$?

(If not, I might do so myself.)

1Peter Terney, "Unfolding the Tesseract."
Journal of Recreational Mathematics, Vol. 17(1), 1984-85.



Update. See also the followup question, "Which unfoldings of the hypercube tile 3-space: How to check for isometric space-fillers?."

Best Answer

I implemented the ideas in the paper using Mathematica. I pushed it a bit further to actually generate the images below. You can download this Mathematica notebook to see the code and detailed explanation.

You might notice Dali's original in the middle of the third row from the bottom.

enter image description here

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