Topological Group $G$ – What is ?_1(BG)?


The classifying space $BG=|Nerve(G)|$ of an arbitrary topological group $G$ does not necessarily have the homotopy type of a CW-complex but the fundamental group should still be accessible. What is $\pi_{1}(BG)$? A reference on this would be great. My initial guess: $\pi_{1}(BG)$ is the quotient group $\pi_{0}(G)$ for arbitrary $G$

Motivation: There is a natural way to make $\pi_1$ a functor to topological groups. I am interested in relating the topologies of $G$ and $\pi_{1}(BG)$ but the topology on $\pi_{1}(X)$ is boring (discrete) when $X$ is a CW-complex.

Best Answer

If $G$ is homeomorphic to a Cantor set (e.g. $G=\mathbb Z_p$), then $BG$ contains a copy of the Hawaiian earrings in it. To see this, take a sequence of points of $G$ that converges to the identity element: you'll get a corresponding sequence of 1-cells in $BG$ that converge to the the degenerate 1-cell. The fundamental group of the Hawaiian earrings is a rather wild object, and looks nothing like the free group that you might naively expect.

If, on the other hand, if you agreed to redefine $BG$ to be the fat geometric realization of the simplicial space $NG$, then you would get $\pi_1(BG)\cong\pi_0(G)$, as desired. I would even bet that the above isomorphism respects the natural topologies that are present on both sides.

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