Least Modulus – Distinguishing Some Integers


I can deduce some results about this from the prime number theorem or from results about the primorial function $p\#$ but I'm wondering what the state of the art is:

Given integers $0\le a_1<a_2<\dots <a_c$, what bound can we put on the least modulus $m$ such that for all $i\ne j$, we have $a_i\not\equiv a_j$ (mod $m$)?

Best Answer

I'm not sure about the state of art, but here is a rough estimate in terms of $c$ and $\ell:=a_c-a_1$ in the case $c\ll \ell$.

First, we notice that for an integer $M$ satisfying $$M\# ~>~ \big(\frac{c}{2(c-1)}\ell\big)^{c(c-1)/2} ~\geq~ \prod_{1\leq i<j\leq c} (a_j-a_i),$$ where the second inequality follows from AM-GM, there exists a prime $m\leq M$ that does not divide the r.h.s.

Second, taking $M$ as smallest as possible and estimating primorial $M\#$ as $e^M$, we have $$m\leq M\approx \frac{c}2 + \frac{c^2}2\log\frac{\ell}2.$$ I believe this rough estimate can be made rigorous if needed.

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