Algebraic Geometry – Non-Singular Cubic Surface with Four Intersecting Lines


Every non-singular complex projective cubic surface has $27$ lines. Many such surfaces contain points where three lines intersect (called Eckardt points). There are even surfaces with many Eckardt points, like the Fermat cubic, which has $18$. Is there any such non-singular complex projective cubic surface where four, five, or six lines intersect at a point?

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Best Answer

No, this is not possible. If p is a smooth point on any surface S, and is contained in a line l on S, then l is contained in the tangent plane at p, call it T_p. Now if S is a cubic then it intersects T_p in a cubic curve (with some singularity at p, even though S is smooth at p); and a cubic curve can contain at most three lines.

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