Is the Subcategory of Strict Morphisms Abelian?


Let $A$ be an additive category with kernels and cokernels. A morphism $f$ is called strict if the natural morphism from the coimage to the image is an isomorphism.
In Schneiders: Quasi-abelian categories and sheaves one finds a proof that the composition of strict morphisms is strict, so the strict morphisms form a subcategory, which we denote by $A_{\mathrm{st}}$.

Is $A_{\mathrm{st}}$ abelian? Where can I find a proof or counterexample?

Best Answer

I do not believe that the composition of strict morphisms is strict, proposition 1.1.7 of Schneider's Quasi-Abelian Categories and Sheaves claims this only for strict epimorphisms as well as for strict monomorphisms.

I think that rather the opposite of the OP's claim is true:

If all compostions of strict morphisms in an additive category with kernels and cokernels are again strict, then the category is abelian.

To prove this we write an arbitrary morphism $f:X\to Y$ as a composition of a strict epimorphism and a strict monomorphism $$f=\pi_Y\circ [id_X,f]: X\to X\times Y\to Y.$$