Category Theory – Is Smallness Condition Necessary in Tannaka Reconstruction?


Let $A$ be a finite-dimensional $k$-algebra, $A\dmod$ be a category of finite-dimensional A-modules and $\mathrm{U}_A:A\dmod \to \textbf{Vect}_k$ be a forgetful functor. We can reconstruct $A$ as $\mathrm{End}(\mathrm{U}_A)$ by using Tannaka reconstruction thorem.

Question : Does the claim hold even if the assumption of "finite-dimensional" is excluded?

Best Answer

Yes, of course. You still have a natural homomorphism $A\rightarrow END(U_A)$. Since ${}_AA$ is a free $A$-module, an endomorphism $x\in END(U_A)$ is determined by its value $x_A$ on ${}_AA$. This proves that the natural homomorphism is an isomorphism: $$x_A \in End (A_{End_{{}_AA}})= End (A_{{A}})=A.$$