Hausdorff Dimension – Non-Differentiability Set of a Convex Function


Let $X \subset \mathbb R^d$ be open, $f : X \to \mathbb R$ and
E := \{x \in X : f \text{ is not Fréchet differentiable at }x\}.

Then we have the following result which is

Theorem: If $X= \mathbb R^d$ and $f$ is convex, then the Hausdorff dimension of $E$ is at most $d-1$.

Differentiability is a local property, so I guess above theorem is true even though $X \neq \mathbb R^d$. Can we extend above theorem to obtain below one?

If $X$ is convex and $f$ is convex, then the Hausdorff dimension of $E$ is at most $d-1$.

Best Answer

I just stumbled across your question. I have no idea how the proofs of these results go—and I am inclined to believe that they would indeed also prove the version you seek—but here's a way to deduce the local result from that on $\mathbf{R}^d$.

Let $X \subset \mathbf{R}^d$ be an open, convex set, $f: X \to \mathbf{R}$ be a convex function, and $E \subset X$ be the set of points where $f$ is not differentiable.

In general $f$ cannot be extended to a function defined on $\mathbf{R}^d$. However, if it were bounded and Lipschitz, then it could be [Thm. 4.1,Yan12]. Indeed, under these assumptions the extension $\bar{f}: \mathbf{R}^d \to \mathbf{R}$ can be defined by setting \begin{equation} \bar{f}(z) := \operatorname{sup} \{ t f(x) + (1-t) f(y) \mid x,y \in X, t \geq 1, z = t x + (1-t) y \} \end{equation} for all points $z \in \mathbf{R} \setminus X$.

Let $x \in X$, and $r > 0$ be so small that $D_r(x) \subset \subset X$. Write $f_{x,r}: D_r(x) \to \mathbf{R}$ for the restriction of $f$ to this disk. As convex functions are locally Lipschitz, $f_{x,r}$ is Lipschitz and bounded, and we may thus extend it to $\bar{f}_{x,r} :\mathbf{R}^d \to \mathbf{R}$.

The global version gives that the Hausdorff dimension of $E \cap D_r(x)$ is at most $d-1$. The conclusion follows after covering $X$ with a countable collection of such disks.

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