Analytic Number Theory – Growth of Coefficients of Inversion of $j$-Invariant Function

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We have the $j$-invariant defined as

I have that
j(\tau)=\frac{1}{q}+\sum_{k\geq 0}c_kq^k,

where $q=e^{-2\pi t}$ ($\tau=it$) and $c_k\sim e^{4\pi\sqrt{k}}/(k^{3/4}\sqrt{2})$.

The inversion formula for the $j$-invariant is
q=j^{-1}+\sum_{k\geq 2}d_kj^{-k}.

Thus, I would like to know some upper bound or asymptotic formula for $d_k$.

Any hint or reference?

Best Answer

It's in the OEIS:

There's a formula there that gives an approximation of the form (in your notation) $$ d_k \sim A \cdot (-1)^{k+1}\cdot B^k / k^{3/2} $$ where $A\approx1943.54943\dots$ and $B\approx2311.3945621\dots\,$.

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