Functional Analysis – Duality of Projective and Injective Tensor Product


I want a reference of the following statement which I think is true. Let $X$ and $Y$ be Banach spaces with $X$ finite dimensional. Then $(X\otimes_\epsilon Y)^*$ is isometrically isomorphic to $(X^*\otimes_\pi Y^*)$ and $(X\otimes_\pi Y)^*$ is isometrically isomorphic to $(X\otimes_\epsilon Y)^*$ where $\otimes_\epsilon$ and $\otimes_\pi $ denote the injective and projective tensor product of Banach spaces respectively. For tensor product of Banach spaces see the book

Best Answer

Since Ryan's book is mentioned in the original question, here's some pointers for an answer based on this source:

  • See Section 3.4 for what the dual space of $X\otimes_\epsilon Y$ is. If you combine Proposition 3.14 (and the comments after) with Proposition 3.22 (see the comments after it) we get $(X\otimes_\epsilon Y)^* = I(X,Y^*) = I(Y,X^*)$ the space of integral operators.
  • Now look at Theorem 5.33 which shows that when $X^*$ has the Radon-Nikodym Property and the approximation property (which is true when $X$ is finite-dimensional) then $I(Y,X^*) = X^* \hat\otimes_\pi Y^*$. See also the proof of Proposition 5.52.

For the dual of $X\otimes_\pi Y$ see Section 2.2 where it's shown that $(X\otimes_\pi Y)^* = B(X,Y^*)$ the space of all bounded linear maps. We always have that $X^* \hat\otimes_\epsilon Y^*$ is a subspace of $B(X,Y^*)$, see Section 3.1, and it's easy to see that when $X$ is finite-dimensional, then we have equality here.

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