Freedman’s Disk Embedding Theorem – Extension to Infinitely Many Immersed Disks


I'm referring to a statement of the disk embedding theorem on P17 in a book of Behrens-Kalmar-Kim-Powell-Ray, the Disk Embedding Theorem. See below. There are some new formulations, e.g., Theorem 1.2 in but still regarding the finite collection of disks or surfaces.

enter image description here

So my question is already in the title

Q1. Does Freedman's disk embedding theorem extend to a countable union of immersed disks?

Q1 is my main question but it might be too hard to give a clear answer at this moment. A more sensible question might be the following

Q2. There are various obstructions to disks being embedded in 4-manifolds, e.g., Kervaire-Milnor, van Kampen etc. Is there an obstruction well-defined for a countable collection of immersed disks with pairwise disjoint embedded boundaries?

Best Answer

In general working with infinite collections of maps is harder. As far as I know, the main result in this direction is the "disc deployment lemma" of Frank Quinn. Roughly, it says that for any $\epsilon>0$ there exists a $\delta>0$ such that an infinite collection of immersed discs, with dual spheres, controlled by $\delta$, can be replaced by an embedded collection, controlled by $\epsilon$. This is a very powerful result, which Quinn used to prove fundamental results about 4-manifolds, such as topological transversality and that noncompact 4-manifolds are smoothable.

The original source for this result is Frank Quinn's paper titled "Ends of Maps III: dimensions 4 and 5". published in the Journal of Differential Geometry. It is a challenging paper to read. You might also consider looking at the treatment by Edwards in "The solution of the 4-dimensional annulus conjecture (after Frank Quinn)", published in the conference proceedings of a conference called "Four-manifold theory (Durham, N.H., 1982) (the official citation is: Four-manifold theory (Durham, N.H., 1982), 211–264, Contemp. Math., 35, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 1984). In the book by Freedman and Quinn, the relevant theorem is on page 90.