Number Theory – Computing the Petersson Norm of Newforms of Weight 2


Let $f \in S_2(\Gamma_0(N))$ be a newform with trivial character. I want to compute the Petersson norm $\lVert f\rVert^2$ of $f$, not normalized by $1/[\operatorname{SL}_2(\mathbf{Z}):\Gamma_0(N)]$, as in Gross–Zagier.

From Numerical evaluation of the Petersson product of elliptic modular forms, I came across the formula $$\lVert f\rVert^2 = \frac{(k-1)!}{2^{2k – 1}\pi^{k + 1}}L(\operatorname{Sym}^2(f),2)$$ with $k = 2$. I implemented this in Magma. If $N$ is not square-free, I guess the correct Euler factor for the symmetric square at $p^2 \mid N$ by testing if the functional equation for the symmetric square is satisfied with $1 \pm x$ or $1 \pm px$.

However, comparing with the result of PARI/gp (which is normalized by $1/[\operatorname{SL}_2(\mathbf{Z}):\Gamma_0(N)]$, so removing that normalization), it seems that I have to multiply my result by $N$ if $N$ is square-free, the reason for which I don't understand (maybe it's a convention of the implementation of the symmetric square $L$-function in Magma?). It is even worse for $N$ not square-free, e.g. $f \in S_2(\Gamma_0(125))^+$ or $S_2(\Gamma_0(147))^{w_3,w_{49}}$, where the normalization factors seem to be $125$ and $147 \cdot 7/8$, respectively.

PARI's code is hard to read, and Petersson scalar products are not implemented for $N \neq 1$ in Sage.

Can someone please shed light on this?

Best Answer

My guess is that the formula you are trying to use is only valid for $N=1$, and thus needs correction in general.

Maybe Shimura's paper can help sort this out.

In (2.1), which Shimura writes for $\Gamma_1(N)$ but that doesn't matter when the character is trivial, his definition is $$\langle f,f\rangle={3/\pi\over [SL_2(Z):\Gamma_0(N)]}\int_\Phi |f|^2 dx dy.$$

Then in (2.5) you have $$\langle f,f\rangle={\Gamma(2)\over (4\pi)^2}\cdot\mathop{\rm res}\limits_{s=2} D(s,f,f)$$ where by the last display of Section 1 he defines $$D(s,f,f)=\sum_{n=1}^\infty {a_n^2\over n^s}.$$ Now a comparison of Euler products gives that the local factors of $D(s,f,f)\zeta(2s-2)$ and $L(s,Sym^2 f)\zeta(s-1)$ match, at least away from $p$ that divide $N$ (this discrepancy is the issue that David Loeffler raises). This Euler product comparison is mentioned in another paper of Shimura, see (0.4) of

Anyway, this gives the answer up to the bad factors, namely $$\int_\Phi |f|^2 dx dy={[SL_2(Z):\Gamma_0(N)]\over 3/\pi}\langle f,f\rangle$$ $$=[SL_2(Z):\Gamma_0(N)]{\pi\over 3}{1\over (4\pi)^2}\mathop{\rm res}\limits_{s=2} D(s,f,f)$$ $$=[SL_2(Z):\Gamma_0(N)]{\pi\over 48\pi^2}{1\over\zeta(2)}L(2,Sym^2 f)\prod_{p|N} C_p$$ $$=N\prod_{p|N}(1+1/p)\cdot{1\over 8\pi^3}L(2,Sym^2 f)\prod_{p|N}C_p$$

Note that this matches your asserted formula when $N=1$ and $k=2$.

In the more general case, considering a bad prime $p|N$, the Euler factor from $\zeta(s-1)/\zeta(2s-2)$ evaluated at $s=2$ exactly cancels out factor of $(1+1/p)$ in the index formula. Meanwhile, the Euler factor of $L(s,Sym^2f)$ when $p$ exactly divides $N$ is $(1-1/p^s)^{-1}$, as is the Euler factor of $D(s,f,f)$ in this case (since $a_p^2=1$).

Finally, when $p^2|N$, the Euler factor of $D(s,f,f)$ is trivial since $a_p^2=0$, while that of $L(s,Sym^2f)$ can be known either by theory or trial-and-error computation. For the theoretical side, one can presuably work with the $p$-minimal twist of $f$ where this minimality allows twists with nontrivial Nebentypus - see 2.1 of Coates and Schmidt, particularly (2.12).

I think one aspect is that if $v_p(N)$ is odd then the Euler factor of $L(s,Sym^2f)$ is trivial; while if $v_p(N)$ is even and $f$ is itself $p$-minimal then the factor is $(1+p/p^s)^{-1}$; and otherwise the Euler factor comes from that of the $p$-minimal twist (though perhaps not completely transparently, again with this $(1+p/p^s)^{-1}$ possibly appearing).

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