Representation Theory – Compact Linear Group Orbit Equivalence


A corollary of the Mostow-Palais theorem is that every homogeneous space for a compact group is a linear group orbit. In other words, if $ H $ is a closed subgroup of a compact group $ K $ then there exists some representation $ \pi: K \to GL(V) $ and $ v \in V $ such that the orbit
\mathcal{O}_v=\{ \pi(k)v: k \in K\}

is diffeomorphic to $ K/H $ (the stabilizer of $ v $ is exactly $ H $).

Is the converse true; does every compact linear group orbit admit a transitive action by a compact group? In other words, if $ G $ is a group, $ \pi: G \to GL(V) $ a representation, $ v \in V $, and the stabilizer
\mathcal{O}_v=\{ \pi(g)v: g \in G \}

is compact, then must there exist some compact group $ K $ acting transitively on the manifold $ \mathcal{O}_v $?

Best Answer

The answer of your question is true if the orbit $O_v$ is simply connected.

Montgomery, D. Zippin, L. Topological transformations groups p. 226