Probability – Chung’s Law of the Iterated Logarithm for Brownian Motion

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I am looking for a reference that gives a detailed proof of Chung's law of the iterated logarithm for Brownian motion: $$\liminf_{u\to +\infty}\sqrt{\frac{\ln(\ln(u))}{u}}\sup_{r \in [0,u]}|X_r|=\frac{\pi}{2\sqrt{2}}\text{ a.s.}$$

Best Answer

A detailed proof with weakened conditions is given by Pakshirajan in in a 1959 paper.

In the present work the results of K. L. Chung (1948) concerning the maximum partial sums of sequences of independent random variables are obtained for a weaker condition. The method employed in the proof is analogous to the one used by Chung with the difference that, instead of Esseen’s approximations involving third moments, we use Berry’s approximations involving only second moments.

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