Set Theory – Iterative Reflection on Self Elementary Embeddable Stages of Cumulative Hierarchy


Is it possible to iterate elementary embeddability and reflect on those stages that are elementary embeddable to themselves?

The following is a formal capture of that idea:

To the language of $\sf ZF$ (i.e., mono-sorted $\sf FOL(=,\in)$) add primitive partial unary functions $W$ and $j$.

To the axioms of $\sf ZF$, add the following axioms:

Restriction: $\forall \alpha: W_\alpha \lor j_\alpha \to \operatorname {ordinal}(\alpha)$

Injectivity: $W_\alpha \land W_\beta \land \alpha \neq \beta \to W_\alpha \neq W_\beta$

Cumulation: $\forall \operatorname {ordinal} \alpha \exists \lambda: W_\alpha=V_\lambda$

Elementarity: $\forall \operatorname {ordinal} \alpha \, (j_\alpha: W_\alpha \to W_\alpha \land \\ \forall \vec{x} \in W_\alpha [ \phi(\vec x) \leftrightarrow \phi(j_\alpha[\vec x ])] \land \\ \exists x: j_\alpha (x) \neq x) \\\text {where } \phi \text { is purely set theoretic }$

Reflection: $\forall \vec{x} \in W_\alpha \, (\phi \to \phi^{W_\alpha})$

if $\phi$ [in Reflection] is a formula of the language of set theory + $“j_\alpha \!"$, meaning that $W$ doesn't occur in it and every occurence of $j$ must be subscripted with $\alpha$; also $“\alpha \!"$ only appears in $\phi$ as a subscript of $j$.

Where $V_\lambda$ stands for the $\lambda^{th}$ stage of the cumulative hierarchy, defined in the customary manner. $\phi^X$ stands for relativising all quantifiers in $\phi$ to $“\in X\!"$.

Is the above theory consistent relative to some large cardinal property? If so, Which one?

Best Answer

$\newcommand\Ord{\mathit{Ord}}$The edit to the question has changed it enough so I think it deserves its own answer.

I assume that in reflection we have $\forall \vec{x} \in W_\alpha \, (\phi \to \phi^{W_\alpha})$ holds for all ordinals $\alpha$.

The theory with this strong reflection is inconsistent in a strong sense.

Specifically it fails even when you only consider $W_0$.

Indeed assume that $W_0$ reflects all formulae in the language of $\{\in,j_0\}$ then it reflects $\eta=\exists x(x\notin \operatorname{Dom}(j_0))$, so let $p\in W_0$ be witness of $\eta^{W_0}$.

$W_0$ also reflects $\psi(y)=\exists x\in \Ord (y\in V_x)$, let $r$ be witness of $\psi(p)$ in $W_0$.

Lastly reflect $\phi(y)=y\in \Ord\land V_y\subseteq \operatorname{Dom}(j_0)$ to get that $W_0$ thinks that $\phi(r)$, but this is a contradiction to the choice of $r$, $p$ (note that I only chose 1 arbitrary element, $p$, so I didn't use any choice).

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