Graph Theory – Constructing a 3-Regular Non-1-Planar Graph

co.combinatoricsgraph theorygraph-drawing

A $1$-planar graph is a graph which has a drawing on the plane such that each edge has at most one crossing.

I used nauty to generate all 3-regular graphs up to order 12, and checked each one of them individually. They all turned out to be 1-planar graphs.

My question is whether it is possible to construct a 3-regular non-1-planar graph.

I believe that it definitely exists.

I also conducted experiments on graphs with relatively large crossing numbers, but unfortunately, they were all 1-planar graphs. For example: The smallest 6-crossing cubic graph is the Desargues graph, with 20 vertices.

![![Desargues graph

Or see this link for the hexagonal graph.

enter image description here

This problem is related to the question Why is the crossing number of Tutte 12-cage 170?, because we know that the crossing number of an $n$-order 1-planar graph is less than or equal to $n-2$ (see [1]).

  • [1] Czap J, Hudák D. On drawings and decompositions of 1-planar graphs[J]. the electronic journal of combinatorics, 2013: P54-P54.

If the crossing number of Tutte 12-cage (126 vertices)is greater than or equal to $125$, then it is the 3-regular non- 1-planar graph we are looking for. Unfortunately, it seems that the crossing number of Tutte 12-cage is unknown. It would still be helpful if we knew a good lower bound of Tutte 12-cage.

Edit 1: As reminded by Joseph O'Rourke, Coxeter graph is a candidate. The following embedding is from Wikipedia and it almost has a 1-planar embedding, except for one edge that will cross twice.

enter image description here

Edit 2: Thanks to Sam Hopkins for the reminder, the above sentence in Edit 1 should be corrected to: 3 of the edges will cross twice (not just one edge).

Best Answer

For each $t$, there are $3$-regular graphs that are not $t$-planar. In fact, a random $3$-regular $n$-vertex graph, for large $n$, has this property. As we'll in the proof, one can take $n=Ct(\log t)^6$ for a suitable absolute constant $C$.

Indeed, let $G$ be such a graph and suppose that it admits a $t$-planar drawing. Pick a drawing in which no three edges intersect at the same point. By adding a vertex at the intersection points, we obtain a planar graph $G'$ with at most $3tn$ vertices and at most $3tn$ edges. Maximum degree of $G'$ is at most $4$. By the Ungar--Lipton--Tarjan separator theorem, there is a set $S_1$ of $O(\sqrt{tn})$ vertices whose removal splits $G'$ into two disconnected vertex sets $V_1$ and $V_2$, of size at most $2|V(G')|/3$ each.

Suppose that each both $|V_1\cap V(G)|$ and $|V_2\cap V(G)|$ are at least $n/r$ (where $r$ will be chosen later). In this case, the drawing of each edge of $G$ from $V_1\cap V(G)$ to $V_2\cap V(G)$ passes through $S_1$, and there are $\Omega(n/r^2)$ such edges in view of $G$ being an expander graph. Because the drawing of each such path passes through $S_1$, and no vertex of $S_1$ has degree more than $4$, it follows that $n/r^2\leq O(\sqrt{tn})$, i.e., $n=O(r^4 t)$.

This leaves the case when one of $|V_1\cap V(G)|$ or $|V_2\cap V(G)|$ is smaller than $n/r$. Say, $|V_1\cap V(G)|\leq n/100$. Then $|V_2\cap V(G)\geq (1-2/r)n$. We can then apply the separator theorem to the subgraph of $G'$ induced by $V_2$ to find a subset $S_2$ separating it into $V_2'$ and $V_3$. Again, if both $V_2'$ and $V_3$ contain $n/r$ vertices of $G$, then we find $\Omega(n)$ edges of $G$ whose drawing goes through $S_1\cup S_2$. Hence, we may assume that one of the parts, say $V_2'$, satisfies $|V_2\cap V(G)|\leq n/r$. We then repeat the argument on $V_3$, etc.

In the nested sequence $V(G')\supset V_2\supset V_3\supset\dotsb$, each next set is $\tfrac{2}{3}$ of the size of the preceding. So, $|V_{\ell}|=O\bigl( (\tfrac{2}{3})^\ell tn\bigr)$ which contradicts $|V_{\ell}\cap V(G)|\geq (1-2\ell/r)n$ if $\ell=r/4$ and $r=20\log t$. So, at some step we must have $\Omega(n/r^2)\leq |S_1|+\dotsb+|S_i|\leq O(i\sqrt{tn})$, i.e., $n=O(r^6 t)=O\bigl(t(\log t)^6\bigr)$.

The power of $\log t$ is likely improvable with more careful choice of parameters, and more careful choice of separators.

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