Elliptic Surfaces – Blow-up of a Pencil of Cubic Curves


Rick Miranda's "The basic theory of elliptic surfaces" the Example (I.5.1) see page 7 on a pencil of plane curves contains an argument that I do not understand yet.

Let $C_1$ be a smooth cubic curve in $\mathbb{P^2}$ and let $C_2$ be any other cubic. By intersection theory and Bezout's theorem the intersection number $C_1 \cdot C_2$ is $9$. We form a pencil $P \subset \mathbb{P^2} $ generated by $C_1$ and $C_2$; it is the $\mathbb{P^1}$-family of curves (or more generally divisors) $[ \lambda C_1 + \mu C_2 ]$, which has $9$ base points $x_1,…, x_9$ . This gives only a rational map to $\mathbb{P^1}$. After blowing them up the fundamental locus of this rational map is resolved and we obtain a honest morphism $\pi: X \to \mathbb{P^1}$ where $X= \operatorname{Bl}(\mathbb{P}^2)_{x_1,…, x_9}$ is the blowup of the plane at these $ 9 $ points.

Then it is claimed that the canonical class of $X$ is $-C_1$ and that this implies that $K_X^2= (-C_1)^2 =0$.

Question. How to verify that the canonical class of $X$ equals $-C_1$ and why does it have as consequence self-intersection number
zero? The divisor $-C_1$ is definitely not vertical and therefore I
not see why its intersection with itself should vanish.

(I posted identical question a week ago on MSE without getting any resonance. Hope that the question is not too elementary to be asked here.)

Best Answer

As explained in abx's comment, the canonical divisor of your surface is given by $$K_X=-3 \pi^*L + \sum E_i,$$ and this is precisely the class of $-\widetilde{C}_1$ (note that $C_1$ is a curve in $\mathbb{P}^2$, so I put the tilde to specify that we are considering its strict transform in $X$).

Now, $\widetilde{C}_1$ is the strict transform of a smooth cubic curve: since the self-intersection number of a cubic is $9$ and you are blowing up nine points on it, the self-intersection of the strict transform is $(C_1)^2=9-9=0,$ as claimed.

Finally, the strict transform of your pencil of cubics is a base-point free pencil of elliptic curves in $X$, providing an elliptic fibration $\pi \colon X \to \mathbb{P}^1$, endowed with nine sections corresponding to the nine exceptional divisors of the blow-up. By construction, the curve $\widetilde{C}_1$ is a fibre of $\pi$, hence it is a "vertical divisor", after all.

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