Ternary Partitions Growth – Asymptotic Growth of Ternary Partitions of Integers


Consider the binary partitions of $2n$ in powers of $2$, denoted by $b(2n)$, with the generating function
A result of De Bruijn shows the asymptotic growth
$$\log b(2n)\sim \frac1{\log 4}\log^2\left(\frac{n}{\log n}\right).$$

Suppose $t(3n)$ denote the ternary partitions of $3n$ in powers of $3$, with a similar generating function

QUESTION. What is the asymptotic growth of $t(3n)$?

Best Answer

It's right in the beginning of De Bruijin's paper. More generally,

$\log p(rn) \sim \frac 1 {2 \log r} \log^2 \frac n {\log n}$

where $p(rn)$ is the number of partitions of $rn$ into powers of $r$.

The result is attributed to Kurt Mahler's paper "On a special functional equation", published in Journ. London Math. Soc. in 1940.

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